The Pug Awards gratefully acknowledges the support of our Platinum Sponsors for their commitment to enhancing Toronto's cityscape through the promotion of innovative architecture and design. Through their advocacy of the Pug Ed youth education program, our Members' have given our city and its students an opportunity to think critically about urban environments and sparked community engagement that will resonate for generations to come. Thank you.
looks dated to me.
I hope those condos come with a lifetime supply of Prozac.
Precast and cheap plastic signs.
This is on Sheppard Avenue West, not East, so the pinpoint on the map is actually several km from the correct spot.
this would be 1000000000000000 times better if they split it into three buildings, the big chunk is so boring as a pedestrian, and it means less windows for residents. also not diggin how the garage entrance is front and centre, it reminds me of a crustaceans mouth: sometimes mouth, sometimes bum... cars go in, garbage comes out. come on, that stuff is for the alleyway! thats like putting your toilet in the front hall! ok, and if there isn't an alley, please build one. do i have to do everything for you?
Royale with Cheese.
Without the ugly there is no beautiful.
So this monstrosity is doing its job, I guess.
Where is this building? Oh, right. It doesn't matter.
Is it just fashionable for one person to write "it's ugly" under every building, without any justification (or perhaps with some ridiculous comparison)? I suppose the "love/hate" voting system encourages such simplistic reactions.
Very Soviet.
It seems you can add the word " Royale " to anything and it will sound better. " Cotton Royale" = toilet paper ..... Plaza Royale = crap.