Toronto’s Public Realm – Demanding Change
The Shops of Summerhill, North Lawn
Wednesday June 27, 2013 - 6:00pm

Toronto will not be a world-class city until its public realm is vastly improved. As we cast our votes for the best and worst buildings in the city, so too should we turn our critique to the public realm. Great public spaces are where the life of a city unfolds and are a source of collective pride. We need to demand change to our often-neglected public realm and make it a priority in our political discourse. This Pug Talk will look at possible change and how to make it happen.


Gil Penalosa

Executive Director, 8-80 Cities


Janet Rosenberg

Founding Principal, Janet Rosenberg and Studio

Ken Greenberg

Founding Principal, Greenberg Consultants Inc.

David Leinster

Partner, The Planning Partnership

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